Friday 27 May 2011

Chocolate Vs Strawberry

When talking about this I really love it coz this post is one part of my personality. The 1st think I would say is "I'm choco frenzy",, why?? I don't know but when eating chocolate this myself feel better n more relaxed to thing of something. Anyway 1 of my hobbies is collect choco's knick-knacks anytime & anywhere while there are certailnly on buy,, hehehe..

Ahh pegel juga pake basa bule,, sekarang gw pke basa gw ndiri az deh. Pokonya kalo ngomongin coklat mah kaga da habisnya, dah gitu kalo lama dah ga makan coklat gimana gitu rasanya, kaya da yang ilang az. Mungkin karena dah kebiasaan jadinya gitu deh, hehehe.. Nyokap gw pernah cerita gini,, gw neh dari umur 3 tahun dah maniak bgt ma coklat,, dah gitu kalo ada orang makan coklat depan gw (siapa pun itu, org tua kek' muda kek' ato pun temen sebaya) eehhmm gw pasti dah ngerecokin ikut makan coz ngiler bgt kale yee,, hahaha. Gw ga nyangka bgt kalo waktu kecil malu2in bgt,, sorry ya mOm kalo sering buat malu ^_^
Karena gw suka bgt ma coklat itu lah kalo gw ultah tmn2 byk yang ngasih coklat,, mungkin menurut sebagian orang tu seh biasa tp buat gw engga' coz tu special (emang nasgor special pake telor kalee).. Entah knp coklat tuh kaya dah jadi bagian dari hidup gw,, yah lw bayangin az,, gw dah jadi penggila coklat dari balita ga nunggu anak2, remaja ato dewasa dulu,, hehehe.. Gw rasa lw semua pun sama, kalo punya hal yang dah jadi favorit bgt dalam hidup pasti lw ga bisa lepas dari hal itu, yah meskipun ga ngumpulin pernak-pernik yang berkaitan ma itu se'engga'nya pasti lw jd fans berat deh,, ya kan??

Now change the subject to Strawberry..
Ah kalo ngomongin yang atu nie benernya gw agak males juga,, knp?? Coz I hate strawberry,, really really hate this one.. U know?? My mOm told me that I did not like this fruit from the age of 3 years, just like I love chocolate. Wah kayanya kebetulan bgt yah,, padahal yang gw tau nie di dunia ini ga satu pun hal yang kebetulan "semua dah di atur ma Yang Di Atas", mungkin Tuhan ngasih hati ke gw untuk bisa milih pa yang gw suka & ga suka trus jadi pribadi yang unik deh, hehehe (penyakit narsiz kambuh).. Gw ga suka bgt ma tu buah coz gara2nya pas pertama kali makan dah muntah2, habis itu udah deh gw ga pernah nyentuh yang namanya strawberri sampe skrg. Temen2 gw seh kadang2 jail bgt suka ngerjain gw gitu dengan buah strawberri,, iiihhh gedek nya setengah idup dah. Bayangin az temen ngasih gw coklat & gw ga tau kalo dalam kue coklat tuh da krim strawberrinya, truz dengan rileknya gw makan az, eh pas baru setengah makan gw tau dalemnya da itu beuh langsung deh gw muntah2 mpe ga masuk skul 3 hari cuma gara2 itu. Biz bawaanya kaga nyaman bgt kalo dah makan itu, mpe lah demam segala gara2 males makan coz keburu enek ngebayangin strawberri yang dah gw makan tadi.. Ah lw semua pun pasti sama ma gw,, punya phobia masing2 & pastinya lw benci bgt ma yang lw phobia-in.. Nie mah lumrah kalee ya!! Tapi anehnya gw ga suka bgt starawberri tapi minuman fav gw tuh fanta merah,, lw bayangin az betapa gilanya gw,, tmn2 juga gitu seh bilang gw aneh tapi mo gimana lagi mang gw suka bgt koq,, so tuk fanta merah mah pengecualian spesial buat gw,, hahaha...

Kalo di suruh milih coklat ato strawberri,, pastilah gw milih coklat,, hehehe.. Tapi asal lw tau yah sekalipun tu coklat enak bgt tp da campuran strawberri-nya,, sorry yyee gw ga bakal makan mpe kapan pun,, I hate strawberry...



That's me ^_^

Saturday 21 May 2011

Being Alone

       Ngomong2 neh,, da orang yang pernah bilang ma gw gini "There's nothing wrong with being alone".. Ehhmm kadang gw sendiri agak bingung ngartiinnya,, being alone = jomblo / being alone = menyendiri?? Jomblo tuh kalo kata anak2 sekarang mah ga punya kecengan alias pacar, tapi menurut gw seh ga da salahnya juga jd jomblo toh itu bukan sesuatu yang aneh & perlu di pertanyakan (lw liat dunk posting gw sebelumnya "Advantages of being single"). Jomblo pada dasarnya bukanya ga laku ato ga berani memulai satu hubungan baru, tapi untuk beberapa orang jomblo tuh menyenangkan dan lw ga susah2 mikirin anak orang sementara diri lw sendiri az keteteran, bener ga?? Itu seh bagi yang setuju ma gw, kalo yang ga setuju yah gw seh ga maksa juga.
       Lha sekarang gimana ma being alone = menyendiri,, ehhmmm ini mah lebih condong ke introvert ( Buat gw mwnyendiri tuh menyenangkan, coz di situ lw ga sah jaim ato pun terpaksa bersikap baik ma orang2 di sekitar lw, tapi lw di situ bisa nemuin diri lw yang sebenernya (asli lw bgt). Kadang di saat menyendiri kita bisa menemukan hal2 baru yang ga pernah terlintas ato pun terpikirkan oleh kita sebelumnya dan itu bisa menghasilkan gagasan ato ide baru buat hidup kita. Kalo lw ga percaya coba deh baca biografi beberapa ilmuwan, dan dari beberapa yang gw dah baca hasilnya sama "kebanyakan dari semua ilmuwan suka menyendiri". Menyendiri adalah suatu kenyamanan bagi sebagian orang (termasuk gw sendiri).

       Coba deh sejenak lw renungin hidup lw di saat sendiri ato di saat lw berada di lingkungan rame, lw pasti nemuin bedanya kan?? Lagian jujur az deh, lw bakal lebih bisa ngeluarin ide di saat lw sendiri dan dalam kesunyian (itu seh yang gw rasain selama ini) sebab gw kalo belajar harus di tempat sepi & sunyi, ngelakuin hobi baca buku pun sama harus gitu, mikir untuk ngambil keputusan terpenting dalam hidup gw pun sama, dan buat gw itu kenikmatan tersendiri. 

       Nah kalo lw sendiri gimana?? lw lebih milih yang mana?? It's depend on yourself, dan itu ga da 1 orang pun yang bisa maksain lw jadi apa ato milih apa untuk hidup lw. Lw cukup jd diri lw sendiri dan lakuin apa yang lw suka selama hal itu masih positif dan ga nyusain orang2 di sekitar lw. Hidup nie cuma sekali jadi buat lah hidup lw seberarti mungkin, jangan lw sia2in pa yang Tuhan dah kasih buat lw!! 

Life is Beautiful ***

Advantages Of being Single

1.   Can sleep well
2.   Can save time n money
3.   No worries about how u look
4.   No missed call at midnight
5.   Focus on your carrier  n family more
6.   No need to recharge your phone twice a day
7.   Can talk to all boys n girls
8.   Take your own decision by yourself
9.   Can study aboard n not worry about what you are leaving behind
10. No worries about if there a feature or not
11. Can flirt with whoever u want
12. Live stress free
13. Can find a mate in europe,, hahaha ^_^

Saturday 14 May 2011

No Idea

Gw bingung mo posting paan?? Lagian gw juga bukan jenis orang yang kreatif,, so otak nie kebanyakan buntunya. Sebenernya sizta dah lama suruh bikin blog tapi males bgt coz ga terlalu jago IT jd minder gitu deh,, hehehe.. Tapi kali nie sizta berhasil juga bujuk gw tuk buat blog nie, but I really thank u so much siz ^_^ .. Ah sebetulnya pa seh sebutan yang pantes buat gw sekarang?? New comer or the outmoded (hahaha : lol).. Up 2 u deh, yang penting gw happy ^_^ (Ah geblek juga nie gw).

Friday 13 May 2011

Are Introverts Normal? Information About the Introvert’s Personality

If you wonder if introverts are normal, you need to read this info about the introvert’s personality! A reader recently interviewed me about introverted personality types, and I was shocked at the misperceptions he had about introverts. Here are the questions he asked about introverts, plus information about the introvert’s personality.
First, here’s a quick way to tell if you’re an introvert or an extrovert:
“If there is an emergency do you tend to stand still and feel somewhat shutdown or in slow motion? If you have a standstill reaction to stress more often, then you are probably an introvert,” says psychotherapist and author Marti Olsen Laney, author of The Introvert Advantage. “In a crisis do you tend to move your body immediately and feel like taking action, maybe without pausing to think? Then you are probably an extrovert if you react with movement.”
For info about possible careers for introverts, click 200 Best Jobs for Introverts (because introverts and extroverts are likely happier doing different jobs). And, read on for information about the introvert’s personality type…
Are Introverts Normal? Information About the Introvert’s Personality
If you’re wondering if you’re an extrovert or an introvert, take this Test for Introverted Personality Traits.
Q: Can we consider introversion a personality disorder?
No, no, no! Introverts are normal. Extroverts are normal. Neither type of personality is a personality disorder. However, I did write an article called When Introverted Personality Traits Become Problematic, because some personality types can veer off in unhealthy directions.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with introverted personality traits, though introverts are commonly seen as abnormal, nerds, loners, withdrawn, shy, and unfriendly. Introverts can also be seen as lacking social skills.
  • Enjoy time alone
  • Consider only deep relationships as friends
  • Feel drained after outside activities, even if they were fun
  • Are often good listeners
  • Appear calm and self-contained
  • Think then speak or act
People with introverted personalities have an inward focus and aren’t usually the “life of the party.” Introverts have a strong sense of self that can make them feel highly self-conscious around other people – making walking into a crowded room a little nerve-wracking. Introverts have a hard time being goofy in front of the camera and telling jokes to more than a couple of people at a time, but they can be extremely witty. They’re less “Larry, Curly, and Moe” and more Woody Allen – but that doesn’t mean introverts’ personality traits are neurotic!
Introverts process their emotions, thoughts, and observations internally. They can be social people, but reveal less about themselves than extroverts do. Introverts are more private, and less public. Introverts need time to think before responding to a situation, and develop their ideas by reflecting privately. Introverts’ personality traits can be passionate, and sometimes aggressive.
Introverts and extroverts can fall in love and have happy relationship. Read Extroverts and Introverts in Love – How to Build Strong Relationships if you’re an extrovert in love with an introvert, or an introvert in love with an extrovert!
Q: Is it possible for an introvert to become an extrovert?
I suppose introverts can force themselves to be more extroverted, but what for? Not for career success, because introverted people can be just as successful professionally as extroverts – especially if they’re armed with Tips for Networking Successfully for Introverts. Introverts don’t need to become extroverts for relationship success, even if they’re with extroverts.
There’s no reason for introverts to become extroverts.
Q: What advantage/s does an introvert have? (if any)
According to Laney, author of The Introvert Advantage, there are several advantages to being an introvert:
  • work well with others, especially in one-to-one relationships
  • maintain long-term friendships
  • flexible
  • independent
  • strong ability to concentrate
  • self-reflective
  • responsible
  • creative, out-of-the-box thinking
  • analytical skills that integrate complexity
  • studious and smart
I’m an introvert, and it’s normal to me. Introverts aren’t as common as extroverts (there are more extroverts in the world than introverts), but that doesn’t mean they’re abnormal or have a personality disorder.
Famous Actresses With Introverted Personality Traits
  • Candice Bergen, actress, writer, photographer
  • Ingrid Bergman, actress
  • Ellen Burstyn, actress
  • Glenn Close, actress
  • Audrey Hepburn, actress
  • Helen Hunt, actress
  • Diane Keaton, actress
  • Grace Kelly, actress
  • Jessica Lange, actress
  • Laura Linney, actress
  • Gwyneth Paltrow, actress
  • Michelle Pfeiffer, actress
  • Julia Roberts, actress
  • Meg Ryan, actress
  • Meryl Streep, actress
Famous Actors With Introverted Personality Traits
  • Clint Eastwood, actor/director
  • Harrison Ford, actor
  • Tom Hanks, actor
  • Sir Alfred Hitchcock, film director
  • Jack Lemmon, late actor
  • Bill Macy, actor
  • Steve Martin, all around talented guy
  • Noah Wiley, actor
Other Famous People With Introverted Personality Traits
  • Johnny Carson, former Tonight Show host
  • Jane Clayson, host of CBS Morning Show
  • Matt Lauer, co-host on the Today Show
  • David Letterman, host of the David Letterman Show
  • Diane Sawyer, co-host of ABC’s Good Morning America
  • Barbara Walters, host of 20/20
If you have any questions or thoughts on this information about introverts, please comment below!
Source of the “famous people who are introverts” info: The Introvert Advantage.