Wednesday 15 June 2011

Extraordinary Leadership

Being a good leader or kind leader??? Ehm depend on your choice.. 

There are people say like this "YOU'RE BORN TO BE A LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER"

These are the steps to become s good leader...

Step 1 :
Know your objective and have a plan how to achieve them.

Step 2 :
Build a team committed to achieving the objectives.

Step 3 : 
Help each team member to give their best efforts.
Improving leadership skill.

Step 4 :
Build the team's self esteem with sincerity and make your team feel as if they are an important part of the team.

Step 5 :
Become s good listener.
Always lend an ear by listening with full attention.

Step 6 :
Effectively plan with strength in decision to reach objectives.

Step 7 :
Motivate with praise, recognition and by communicating information.

Step 8 :
Discipline others with privacy and respect.
Handle personal problems without getting emotionally or personally involved.

Step 9 :
Appoint other who are competent and can enhance your team to reach your objectives.
A successful leader gets things done through other.

Step 10 :
Empower your team to become leaders among the team. 
Maintain organization but delegate responsibility further.
How to get there.

Step 11 :
To become a better leader, start with yourself and your personal perspectives on your business.
Examine it's objectives and how you can be better to lead it.

Step 12 :
Take into practice yourself observations and the education you have gained.

That's the tips to become a good leader & good luck, hopefully successfully.

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